
in galleon, ships are key to the ecosystem

they enhance your trading experience and help maximize your earnings

the better your ship, the higher your rewards

for now, let us introduce you to galleon's fleet 0

by owning a ship, you get:
- an instant 2x payback of your purchase dropped in $gall
- NFT staking access with an apy up to 320% reward in $gall
- nft staking rewards boosts from x3 to x64 | how does it work?
- Eligibility for a significant capture of platform trading fees
- Galleon DAO voting power

Fleet 0

release date: 22nd Sept. 2023

ship types available: 3/8

discounted price: 10% = $45 to $450

$GALL payback: x2 UP TO 166,666 $GALL

yields: 15% to 320% APY

50 ships available:

- sloop: 30 units
- galley: 15 units
- brigantine: 5 units
- corvette: 0
- frigate: 0
- galleon: 0
- ship of the line: 0
- Man'o'war: 0

$ 45.00 usd
$50.00 USD
what's included
x2 payback = 16,666 $gall
x3 to x27 reward boosts
15% to 135% apy
estimated time to profit: 12 months (without additional $gall purchase and staking)
capture an extra 0.033% of trading fees
governance power: tbd
join waitlist
30 units available
$ 90.00 usd
$100.00 USD
what's included
x2 payback = 33,333 $gall
x3.5 to x43 reward boosts
17.5% to 214% apy
estimated time to profit: 11 months (without additional $gall purchase and staking)
capture an extra 0.033% of trading fees
governance power: tbd
join waitlist
15 units available
$ 450.00 usd
$500.00 USD
what's included
x2 payback = 166,666 $gall
x4 to x64 reward boosts
20% to 320% apy
estimated time to profit: 10 months (without additional $gall purchase and staking)
capture an extra 0.033% of trading fees
governance power: tbd
join waitlist
5 units available
$ 900.00 usd
$ 1500.00 usd
$ 2000.00 usd
ship of the line
$ 3000.00 usd
$ 4500.00 usd

fleets release roadmap

sept. 2023

Fleet 0 release:
- 50 ships
- from $45 to $450
- sloop, galley, brigantine

oct. 2023

testnet deployment

fleet 1 release:
- 300 ships
- from $50 to $500
- sloop, galley, brigantine

dec. 2023

alpha release

fleet 2 release:
- 100 to 500 ships
- from $200 to $1000
- sloop, galley, brigantine, corvette

q1 2024

beta release

fleet 3 release:
- 200 to 800 ships
- from $500 to $2000
- sloop, galley, brigantine, corvette, frigate


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