welcome onboard matey

we measure the risk you take by navigating these trading oceans

we are honored to count you in

galleon is place for audacious sailors, cyber-pirates of a new age

seeking treasures to dominate the islands

we are cold-blooded professionals, elaborating the best strategies through the worst market storms

"galleon dao", our fellowship, is fully decentralized

a growing movement open to contributions

to provide the best trading experience, we rely on high-end professionals in: web3, mathematics, trading, product management, design

core team

Steve mariani

project lead & solidity

Tivas gupta

financial engineering

daniel palanki

Frontend Engineer

juraj Bačovčin

tech lead & solidity

eladio roble casas


fran palaciios


idowu emehinola


tristan bochu

product manager

surajdeep singh

marketing co-lead

marco rocchi

marketing co-lead


community builder


Super User & Ambassador Lead

Juanma diaz

Business Dev & Ambassador

Dani buxo

Senior Marketing Manager


Marketing team


content creator


solidity dev

We're proud to work with a diverse range of companies.


web3 island Makers

+300 web3 builders from canary islands


marketing and tech support

pyth network

blockchain oracle

tyche protocol

nft staking

trade pro labs

funding network & liquidity providers

w3b lab

+2k web3 builders in 7 cities across europe

Want to become a partner?

contact us here

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